Trinity Happenings

Announcements and Reminders

The Church bowling league will be Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. from January 7 through February 25 at The Red Pin. The cost is $4 per game, including shoes. Anyone can show up for one or all the dates.

The Education Committee is hosting a JESUS & JAMMIES Christmas celebration on Wednesday, December 18th @ 6:00-7:00 in Fellowship Hall for kids of all ages. The Christmas Story will be shared throughout 5 stations around the hall. Attire: Wear your cozy jammies, slippers, or a robe. Street clothes are allowed, but only if they are cozy!! Stop by the Photo Booth for friends & family pictures.

Trinity's Vision to Action team is excited to announce progress toward shared ministry. We have developed a bond of mutual respect and trust with Zion UCC of Lowden. We see a path for keeping our own congregational identities while joining together to call a full time minister. Our faith journeys are closely aligned and a special kinship has emerged.
After reviewing current policies, procedures, and financial considerations for Zion and Trinity, we are confident a partnership agreement can be reached. We plan to draft an agreement with Zion's team and work with the Call Committee to update Trinity's Ministry Site Profile. Next, the partnership agreement would need approval from both Congregational Councils. If approved, both congregations would vote on the agreement.

Quilt Tying is every first and third Tuesday of the month at 1 pm.

Choir Practice is on Wednesdays at 6 pm.

Mark the calendar! The annual meeting will be February 16th after worship.

No Bible Explorers on Christmas or New Years. We return on January 8.