Trinity's Promise endowment Fund was established in 2017. The endowment fund was created from a gracious donation to continue to showcase God's work in the community.
Some previous recipients of the endowment include:
Tipton Senior Center, Cedar Manor, The Gathering, BSA Troop 76, and LifeHouse Women's Home.
Our Mission is to provide all members and friends of Trinity Lutheran Church the option of considering a perpetual gift to the mission legacy of this congregation through their estate planning.
Today, we strive to provide financial support for the ongoing mission of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church by providing funding for extraordinary projects, above and beyond budgeted benevolence, locally, nationally, and globally in order to advance the works of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Trinity's Promise Endowment Fund was started as the result of a significant gift that was given by Pastor Sondrol upon his death in 2016. A portion of this gift was placed in the general church fund and little over $40,000 was used to start Trinity's Promise. Five members of the congregation, as well as Pastor Beth Wartick began the process of establishing the fund and writing the by-laws, which were approved by the full congregation in April 2016. To date we have helped fund 13 different requests with a total of $9,500 in funds.
Donations to Trinity's Promise Endowment fund are accepted. To make a contribution to the endowment fund we ask that you add us to your will.
If you would like to donate to Trinity's Promise Endowment you can add us to your will or send a check to Trinity Lutheran Church with Trinity Promise listed in the memo.