Trinity Lutheran Church Minutes

August 13, 2024
Shalom Room

I. Call to Order/Attendance – Terri, Laurie, Janel, Mike, Elaine and Kendra. Meeting commenced at
II. Devotion and prayer led by Terri – Laurie will prepare September
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes – Approve minutes of last meeting. Mike motioned, Janel seconded to
approve the July 9, 2024, minutes. Passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Approve the treasurer’s report for June. Laurie motioned, Janel seconded
to approve the report. Passed unanimously.
Would like copies of Fidelity and Thrivent investment fund reports for Trinity’s Promise. Laurie
will contact Sara Martin.
IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):
We will come back to these items, time permitting
A. Tax/Payroll Accounting Firm changes – Elaine has tried to contact Ken Stewart. Talked to Diane
Moon at Webb’s. Currently paying $80 for payroll and tax forms a month. Diane says she will do
payroll and tax forms for $100 a month. Elaine will write the payroll checks.
Kendra made a motion to hire Webb & Company to do our tax and payroll accounting, Mike
seconded. Passed unanimously.
B. Bible Study – Laurie Will start Sept 18th 6-8 weeks. Will have a firm schedule after Labor Day.
Start at 6:00 with light supper. Free will offering. Choir will follow at 7:00. Laurie will reach out to
Susan Stephens (had talked about moving choir practice from 7:00 to 6:00), and then discuss with
SAMs and Pastor Marcia when bible study will be.
C. Quilt/Backpack Blessing Service – Laurie September 22nd
D. God’s Work our Hands Sunday – September 8th Laurie will talk to Pastor Marcia about shorter services.
V. New Business:


A. Tipton Ministerial Request – Laurie made a motion to send the $400 budgeted amount to
Tipton Ministerial Association, Mike seconded. Passed unanimously.
B. Upcoming Funerals – Rick Kunde Service Saturday, August 17th, Visitation 1:00 – 3:00. Service at
3:00. Will not need fellowship hall set up.
Helen Paul Monday, August 26th , Visitation 10:00 – 11:00. Service at 11:00. Will need fellowship hall set up. Set up for funeral after church on the 25th.

C. Worship Schedule for September –
Laurie 1st Deb 15th Charline 29th
Pastor Marcia 8th Pastor Marcia 22nd

D. Church Mutual Sensors/Alerts/App – Terri has the sensors. Mike Pelzer volunteered to have the App for the sensors. Terri will coordinate setup with Mike. Mike Herring will contact Mike August about the status of previous sensors ordered and possibly returning them.
E. Committee Updates
a. Education Kristy
b. Worship & Tech Kristy
c. Property Mike – Had to set up account with Door Company since the company had been sold. The door frame of the fellowship hall back door will need to be fixed because of rust. The AC will be finished on Thursday night.
d. Stewardship Kendra
e. Evangelism Kendra – Church Day at fair was successful. Hopefully they will continue next year.
f. Human Resources Terri
g. Hospitality Janel – Kunde/Cook Recognition Date, will coordinate at later
h. Finance Laurie – Need to hold 1st Meeting. So far, the committee consists of Mike August, Mike Herring, Laurie as Liaison. Elaine as Treasurer.

Working Groups
a. GRACE Janel
b. Backpack Buddies Janel
c. Memorial Laurie
d. Trinity’s Promise Terri
e. Vision to Action Terri – UCC Lowden, Longings and Learnings Survey was similar. They have someone interested in taking the call as Pastor.
Pastoral changes in Tipton – Methodist and Calvary losing their Pastors.

F. Other – Lawn at church needs help. Kendra will talk to Rodney and have him talk to Mike Herring with contacts.


G. Please Keep in our prayers: Brenda Montgomery, Andrea Williams, Alan Daedlow
VI. Closing Prayer – Lord’s Prayer
VII. Adjournment – Motion by Laurie to adjourn the meeting; second made by Janel. Motion passed.7:43pm.