Trinity Lutheran Church Minutes

July 9, 2024
Shalom Room

I. Call to Order/Attendance – Terri, Kristi, Laurie, Janel, Mike, Elaine and Kendra. Meeting commenced at 6:02pm
II. Devotion and prayer led by Terri – Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes – Approve minutes of last meeting. Kristi motioned, Janel seconded to approve the June 11, 2024, minutes. Passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Approve the treasurer’s report for June. Laurie motioned, Kendra seconded to approve the report. Passed unanimously.
The fidelity CD renewed for 9 months at 5% APY
IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):
We will come back to these items, time permitting
A. Insurance update – Terri
The church’s insurance with Grinnell ended 6/30/24. We will be receiving a refund for our unused premium, which will be put towards the Roof Replacement Fund. The church’s insurance with Church Mutual became effective 7/1/24. A copy of the full policy is in the filing cabinet in the Choir Room.
The new policy is an actual cash value policy vs replacement cost coverage. Will continue to budget $15,000 a year for insurance and will save the difference between the budget amount and actual premium in the roof replacement fund. We will possibly create a new line item for this in future years budgets.
Total for coverage is $7,375 which includes:
$5,999 Property/Liability Coverage Premier Choice Package
$676 Worker’s Compensation Coverage
$700 Umbrella Liability – $2 Million Coverage
The return will be put towards a contingency fund for any replacement in the future.
B. Altar Guild update – Terri
Terri met with Kim Pelzer, Altar Guild chair on 6/30/24 to discuss concerns brought to council on Altar Guild staffing, duties, and frequency of communion that were discussed at the June Council Meeting.
Staffing/Duties: Concern that there isn’t enough coverage for Altar Guild to be able to fill in for others as needed. There are also a few Altar Guild members that are comfortable doing the behind- the-scenes duties of communion set-up or take down but prefer not to serve wine/juice or collect offering. Kendra VonMuenster and Janel Stephens both volunteered at the June Council meeting to
help when servers are needed. Kim will include them on future Altar Guild schedules as paired with the set-up person to serve wine and do the offering for that month.
Frequency of Communion: It was suggested that we scale back communion to once a month. During discussion at Council meeting, Laurie reminded us that part of why we now have SAM’s is for us to be able to commune on a regular basis while we are without a pastor. If communion is only on one Sunday a month, it excludes those that are not able to attend on that week. Having communion
weekly allows all members the option to commune whenever they are able to attend. Council agreed we don’t want to unnecessarily exclude members from having the option to commune at each service.
C. Tax/Payroll Accounting Firm possibilities – We are still waiting for our June tax information.
D. Quilt/backpack blessing service– Still working on dates but is in the works.
V. New Business:
A. Update on Caitlin – Office Hours changing – Terri
Caitlin begins a new job at the Courthouse on 7/15, where she will be working Monday – Friday. She will shift to doing her job with us in the evenings throughout the week, with no set office hours for now. Once she settles into her role there, we may be able to add evening office hours once a week if needed. I asked Caitlin how many people normally contact her or stop in during her scheduled weekly office hours currently. The majority of the time, she has zero drop ins, and people contact her throughout the week, vs just during office hours.
B. Chamber of Commerce Renewal – Terri
Received request for Chamber of Commerce annual renewal as a Friend of the Chamber for $75 – Do we want to renew? Keeps in directory, newsletter, email updates, etc. If anyone is interested in serving on any of the Chamber Committees/Activities, I have a list of them for us to include with our renewal.
Janel made a motion to pay the $75 to renew our membership as a friend of the chamber, Kristi seconded the motion. Passed Unanimously.
C. Listening to Longings & Losses Service 7/14 – Visioning committee is going to walk us through information from Pastor Dan.
D. Brenda Montgomery – $150 was in basket in back on church. Laurie has taken care of helping her at this time.

E. Committee Updates
a. Education Kristy — Meeting after bible school this month.
b. Worship & Tech Kristy –Marcia to use portable mic & rocker
c. Property Mike — Air conditioner is in. Back door lock is broke, Mike will look
into it with Mike August and find out how to service. Lawn mower is having issues, Mike Pelzer looked at it and we’ll see if we have issues. Mike will check with Mike August about women’s restroom.
d. Stewardship Kendra
e. Evangelism Kendra – Update on CC Fair Church Day 7/11
f. Human Resources Terri
g. Hospitality Janel – Update on Kunde/Cook recognition.
h. Finance Laurie – Mike August agreed to be on financial committee.

Working Groups
a. GRACE Janel
b. Backpack Buddies Janel
c. Memorial Laurie
d. Trinity’s Promise Terri
e. Vision to Action Terri 7/14 service for Longings & Losses.
Next meeting- tbd. Tipton/Lowden/Pastor Dan
F. Other – Helen Paul’s funeral will be here and the 3 SAMS’s will lead the service at some point this month. Once they have a date the appropriate people will be contacted to make sure the church is ready.
G. Bible Study – September, October will start a bible study. Hope to have a light meal and lesson. 6-8 weeks on Wednesday evenings at 6:00.

VI. Closing Prayer – Lord’s Prayer
VII. Adjournment – Motion by Laurie to adjourn the meeting; second made by Kendra. Motion passed. 7:06pm