Trinity Lutheran Church Minutes
March 12, 2024
Shalom Room
I. Call to Order/Attendance – Terri, Janel, Kristi, and Kendra. Meeting commenced at 6:09pm.
II.Devotion and prayer – Kristy led “What is Faith” Book
A. Approve Minutes – Approve minutes of last meeting. Kristy motioned, Janel seconded to approve the February 13, 2024, minutes. Passed unanimously.
A.Treasurer’s Report – Approve the treasurer’s report for February. Janel motioned, Terri seconded to approve the report. Passed unanimously.
B.Pastor’s Report – N/A
IV.Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):
We will come back to these items, time permitting.
A.Annual Meeting Follow-up
•Congregation members needed for Feb 2025 Church Council Nominating Committee
• Attendees for May 2024 Synod Convention needed (2 Congregation / 1 Pastor-SAM))
• Council Members needed for next year.
V.New Business:
A. SAM Ordination with Pastor Kuckuck -Terri – Sunday April 14th. Janel will arrange fellowship.
B. Worship Plan Update – Laurie Brandenburg
a.Need worship assistants for Pastor Marcia, March 17-May 31
b. Lenten Worship 6pm Church
Sun 3/24 Palm Sunday Pastor Marcia Assistant: Laurie
Thu 3/28 Maundy Thursday Pastor Marcia Assistant needed
Sun 3/31 Easter Charline Asst: Laurie & Deb
c. Dinner Church 6pm Fellowship Hall
Meal ideas/Volunteers for 3/13 (Spring Break) and 3/20 needed: Terri is providing Soup for the 3/13 service. Janel will provide the meal for the 3/20 Service.
C. Committee Updates
c.Education Kristy – 2/27 Meeting
•Anticipating that we will have 2 confirmation students that will be confirmed in October.
•Discussed Angels project. Would like to plan something in the fall or for Christmas.
•Talked about painting rocks. Kendra suggested maybe something we could team up with the Stewardship Committee.
•Senior Sunday – May 19th. Nick Kruse and Addie Nerem.
d.Worship & Tech Kristy
e.Property Mike
f.Stewardship Kendra
g.Evangelism Kendra
h.Human Resources Terri – Talked to Caitlin about being the contact for Grace Committee.
i.Hospitality Janel
j.Finance Laurie – Meeting in April or May to determine where we stand rather than waiting until fall.
Working Groups
a.GRACE Janel
b.Backpack Buddies Janel
c.Memorial Laurie
d.Trinity’s Promise Terri
e.Vision to Action Terri – Pastor Dan is still working with us.
VI.Closing Prayer – Lord’s Prayer
VII.Adjournment – Motion by Kendra to adjourn the meeting; second made by Janel. Motion passed. 6:53
Worship Schedule January – May 2024
Day Date Worship Leader Assistant
Sun Mar 10 Charline Thumm
Wed Mar 13 Dinner Church Led by Laurie
Sun Mar 17 Charline Thumm Wed Mar 20 Dinner Church Led by Laurie Sun Mar 24 Palm Sunday Pastor Marcia Thu Mar 28 Maundy Thursday 6pm Pastor Marcia Fri Mar 29 Good Friday No Service Sun Mar 31 Easter at Trinity 10am Charline Thumm Laurie & Deb Assist Sun Apr 7 Pastor Marcia Sun Apr 14 Deb Cook Sun Apr 21 Pastor Marcia Sun Apr 28 Laurie Brandenburg n/a Sun May 5 Pastor Marcia Sun May 12 Deb Cook Sun May 19 Pastor Marcia Sun May 26 Charline Thumm