Trinity Lutheran Church Minutes
May 14, 2024
Shalom Room
I. Call to Order/Attendance – Terri, Kristi, Laurie, Elaine and Kendra. Meeting commenced at 6:03pm.
II. Devotion and prayer – Laurie read an excerpt To Dream Again How to Help Your Church Come Alive.
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes – Approve minutes of last meeting. Kristy motioned, Laurie seconded to approve the April 9, 2024, minutes. Passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report – Approve the treasurer’s report for April. Kristy motioned with the change to the Endowment total for the Mission Investment Fund $18,093.90, Kendra seconded to approve the report. Passed unanimously.
Laurie made a motion that Elaine rolls the CD $30000 to the best rate available. Terri seconded.
IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):
We will come back to these items, time permitting.
A. Synod Convention
Attending Synod Convention this week: Laurie Brandenburg, Beth Ahrens, and Kim Chapman
B. Prayer Requests – Updated Process, Terri – Caitlin has created a form and they hope to print them and be able to link them to our website. Hoping it will create more transparency on bulletin.
C. Grace Committee – Updated Process and needs-Terri to pass a form to congregation during service, email, etc to see if we can get some volunteers for the committee.
D. Mowing Update -Terri – Alicia is going to continue to mow.
V. New Business:
A. Potential Bible Study – Laurie, when the SAMS met they talked about different ways to get a bible study going in the evening. They are going to continue to discuss and possibly start in September.
B. Music Plans while Elaine is gone in June – Elaine, will miss 1 to 3 Sundays. May 26th Service will be gone for sure.
C. Stewardship/Education partnership – Kristy/Kendra
Rock Painting Activity on June 2
D. Church Day at the Fair – Terri, Thursday, July 11th in Floral Hall.
E. Committee Updates
a. Education Kristy
b. Worship & Tech
c. Property Mike
d. Stewardship/Evangelism Kendra
e. Human Resources Terri
f. Hospitality Janel
g. Finance Laurie – Meet in July (Mike H, and 2 non-council)
Working Groups
a.GRACE Janel
b. Backpack Buddies Janel
c. Memorial Laurie
d. Trinity’s Promise Terri
e. Vision to Action Terri – Met with Pastor Dan April 14th.
F. Other – In bulletin note when you stand.
Terri – looking into signage from ELCA.
Elaine – Talked about issues with Centennial regarding taxes. Elaine is going to investigate other companies.
VI. Closing Prayer – Laurie lead with a blessing Richard Halverson.
VII. Adjournment – Motion by Laurie to adjourn the meeting; second made by Kendra. Motion passed. 7:
Worship Leader Schedule
May 5 Pastor Marcia

June 2 Laurie Brandenburg

May 12 Deb Cook (Mother’s Day)

June 9 Pastor Marcia

May 19 Pastor Marcia (Senior Sunday)

June 16 Deb Cook (Father’s Day)

May 26 Charline Thumm

June 23 Pastor Marcia

June 30 Charline Thumm

July 7 Pastor Marcia

August 4 Laurie Brandenburg

July 14 Laurie Brandenburg

August 11 Deb Cook

July 21 Pastor Marcia

August 18 Pastor Marcia

July 28 Charline Thumm

August 25 Charline Thumm