Trinity Lutheran Church Minutes
June 11, 2024
Shalom Room
I. Call to Order/Attendance – Terri, Kristi, Laurie, Janel, Elaine and Kendra. Meeting commenced at 6:00pm.
II. Devotion and prayer – Terri
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes – Approve minutes of last meeting. Laurie motioned, Janel seconded to approve the May 14, 2024, minutes. Passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Approve the treasurer’s report for May. Laurie motioned, Kendra seconded to approve the report. Passed unanimously.
Copier expense excessive. Two Months and will staple with the copier.
Caitlin paid twice in May.
CD matures 6/15
Fidelity 5% APY payout 9 months, 4.7% APY 17 month ($500+)
Citizens 4.14% APY 13 month ($1000+)
US BANK 4.55% 7months
IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):
We will come back to these items, time permitting
A. Grace Committee
Need copy from Denise or Kathy of volunteers and for what duties. Who can get from them and give to Caitlin. Putting this on hold until September.
B. Cedar County Fair Church Day Thursday July 11
Kendra is has some ideas for a color page and some goody bags to hand out. Discussed how many kids we thought may attend. Kids 50-100.
Laurie made a motion to plan for around 100 kids and take $100 out of the evangelism budget for goody bags, Kristi seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
C. Tax/Payroll Accounting Firm possibilities – Elaine
Currently we pay $80 a month for payroll and other tax paperwork. Elaine is still researching options. Will table for the month.
V. New Business:
A. Communion suggestion from member – Laurie
Received request for council to consider communion less frequently to lessen the burden on Alter Guild and finding members. This suggestion has not yet been brought to Kim Pelzer- Alter Guild Chair
B. Stewardship Sunday email concern – Kendra
Lynn’s email upset on Stewardship Sunday without her. She is supposed to be committee head. Not sure who is on the committee (Laurie, Mike August). Kendra copied Lynn on all communication sent out about rock activity prior to service without any response from Lynn, other than good idea).
D.Prayer Board – Janel/Kendra Talked about the possibility of a prayer board at the church.
E. 2025 SAM training – Laurie Pastor Kukuk talked with the SAMS about a process change for reauthorizing each year.
F. Bible Study September – October – Laurie All synod Bible Study starting September 15th. SAMS and Pastor Marcia willing to have a bible study Wednesday evening from 6-7 Starting September 18th. Will include a light meal. 6 weeks.
G. God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday, September 8th – Laurie Quilts need to be blessed before October. School Bags need to be blessed.
H. Choosing new insurance Provider
1) Existing Company Grinnell Bid: $15,596.00
2) Church Mutual Bid $7,025.00
a) Includes $1 Million Umbrella liability
-We can change to $2 Million for $350 or $3 Million for $700 more
-What level do we need?
If above $1M, underwriter needs to approve
b) Roof coverage is at Actual Cash Value not Replacement value
– What kind of fund do we need to set up to plan funding for a future
new roof? What does that look like?
– Should we include $30,000 CD and earmark toward Roof Fund?
– Do we need to do an additional cd toward Roof Fund? How Much?
– Do we need to do a Roof Fund campaign to grow roof fund to $XXXX
by xxxx date.
-Other ideas?
c) CM provides one Water Leak/Temperature Sensor at no cost, additional sensors available for $49.99-69.99.
Also available:
* Pull for Police Armed Intruder Alert to 911 $49.99
*Alarm Alert Smoke Alarm Notification Service $49.99
Kristi made a motion to switch to Church Mutual and earmark money for a roof fund with a $2 million Umbrella. $30,000 CD and difference between policies will be the start of Roof Fund. Laurie seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
H. Committee Updates
a. Education Kristy
b. Worship & Tech Kristy
c. Property Mike
d. Stewardship Kendra
e. Evangelism Kendra
f. Human Resources Terri
g. Hospitality Janel – Thank you to Cook Family
h. Finance Laurie – Mike August agreed to be on finance committee. Will meet in July.
Working Groups
a. GRACE Janel
b. Backpack Buddies Janel
c. Memorial Laurie
d. Trinity’s Promise Terri
e. Vision to Action Terri – Meeting with Lowden on Thursday.
I. Other
VI. Closing Prayer
VII. Adjournment – Motion by Laurie to adjourn the meeting; second made by Janel. Motion passed. 7:45