Trinity Lutheran Church Minutes
Feb 14, 2024
Fellowship Hall
I. Call to Order/Attendance -Terri, Laurie, Janel, Kristi, Kendra, and Elaine Meeting commenced at
II. Devotion and prayer – Proverbs 12:15 The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes – Approve minutes of last meeting. Janel motioned, Laurie seconded to
approve the January 18, 2024, minutes. Passed unanimously.
B. Treasurer’s Report – Approve the treasurer’s report for January. Kendra motioned, Janel
seconded to approve the report. Passed unanimously.
C. Pastor’s Report – N/A
IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):
A. First Friday Donuts Update – Tipton Ministerial Association is receiving $300 from Trinity’s
Promise. Add in the bulletin, newsletter, Facebook.
B. Grace Committee Update/Brainstorming – Maybe need to go through the membership list
to find some candidates.
C. Memorial Committee – Laurie
Update on $20,000 Werling Memorial Donation and setting parameters for its use. Could be
used for outreach. Will also discuss with Vision Committee.
V. New Business:
A. Devotion / Prayers for March 12th Council Meeting – Kristi (Janel – April)
B. Locking church after Fellowship/events – Please remember to make sure that fellowship hall
and the church is locked when leaving.
C. Snow Removal Pricing discussion – Attached is a copy of the bill and a breakdown of the
prices. The singed contract was not clear on the hourly rates. Laurie made a motion that we
pay the remainder of the bill, second made by Terri. Motion passed.
D. Annual Meeting Update-Terri went through the agenda to verify we have included
• Brainstorm – Congregation Committee members:
o Feb 2025 Church Council Nominating Committee
Mike Herring, Kristi Kruse, Kendra Von Muenster, 2 congregation members
o May 2024 Synod Convention Attendees (3) – Ask at the Annual Meeting if anyone
is interested.
o 2024 Finance Review Committee (3) – Need to include two members that are not
on council.
• Greeters / hand out packets as needed prior to church & prior to meeting – Janel
E. Worship Plan Update – Laurie Brandenburg
a. Schedule through May – attached
b. Lenten Worship 6pm Church
Wed 2/14 Ash Wednesday SAMS Church
Sun 3/24 Palm Sunday Pastor Marcia Assistant needed
Thu 3/28 Maundy Thursday Pastor Marcia Assistant needed
Sun 3/31 Easter Charline Asst: Laurie & Deb
Dinner Church 6pm Fellowship Hall
Brief devotional/lesson with table discussion question Free Will Donations
Date Leader Dinner Order Bring Serve
Wed 2/21 Deb Subway – wraps, cookies, chips Terri Terri
Wed 2/28 Deb Caseys – pizza, chips Terri Terri Terri
Wed 3/6 Charline/Laurie Soup – 2 crockpots, bread, etc
Wed 3/13 Laurie Burgers/Chips -Martins providing
Meat, need someone to cook prior
Wed 3/20 Laurie
F. Committee Updates
a. Education Kristi – The kids from Trinity are not coming to Sunday School.
Melissa stepped down and Kristy is the chair. Our vision is not working the way is was
supposed to so we will look at it another time. Kim and Sally will continue to teach
the confirmation classes for the kids.
b. Worship & Tech Kristi – Elaine is meeting with whomever is giving the sermon
each Sunday.
c. Property Mike
d. Stewardship Kendra – Think we may need to send a time and talents
questioner out or combine Stewardship and Evangelism to the same committee. We
need more volunteers that aren’t already on other committees or using their talents
elsewhere in the church.
e. Evangelism Kendra – Need to circle back on other ideas. Not sure if the
graduate gifts are fulfilling their intended purpose.
f. Human Resources Terri – For the SAM training the Synod ran a background check.
g. Hospitality Janel
h. Finance Laurie – After the Annual meeting the committee should meet
more often so that they can look at the books prior to approving the budget.
Working Groups
a. GRACE Janel
b. Backpack Buddies Janel
c. Memorial Laurie
d. Trinity’s Promise Terri – They are accepting applications
e. Vision to Action Terri
f. Call Committee
G. Other
VI. Closing Prayer – Lord’s Prayer
VII. Adjournment – Motion by Laurie to adjourn the meeting; second made by Janel. Motion passed.
Worship Schedule January – May 2024
Day Date Worship Leader Assistant
Sun Jan 14 Cancelled-snow FB Recorded service Pastor Dennis/Olin
Sun Jan 21 Pastor Marcia Deb Cook
Sun Jan 28 Laurie Brandenburg none
Sun Feb 4 Pastor Marcia Laurie Brandenburg
Sun Feb 11 Laurie Brandenburg none
Wed Feb 14 Ash Wednesday 6pm Laurie, Deb & Charline to lead
Sun Feb 18 Pastor Marcia Deb Cook
Wed Feb 21 Dinner Church Led by Deb Cook
Sun Feb 25 Deb Cook
Wed Feb 28 Dinner Church Led by Deb Cook
Sun Mar 3 Pastor Marcia Charline Thumm
Wed Mar 6 Dinner Church Led by Charline/Laurie
Sun Mar 10 Charline Thumm *Assistant Needed
Wed Mar 13 Dinner Church Led by Laurie
Sun Mar 17 Charline Thumm *Assistant Needed
Wed Mar 20 Dinner Church Led by Laurie
Sun Mar 24 Palm Sunday Pastor Marcia Lead, Assistant needed
Thu Mar 28 Maundy Thursday 6pm Pastor Marcia, Assistant needed
Fri Mar 29 Good Friday No Service
Sun Mar 31 Easter at Trinity 10am Charline Lead; Laurie & Deb Assist
Sun Apr 7 Pastor Marcia *Assistant Needed
Sun Apr 14 Deb Cook
Sun Apr 21 Pastor Marcia *Assistant Needed
Sun Apr 28 Laurie Brandenburg n/a
Sun May 5 Pastor Marcia *Assistant Needed
Sun May 12 Deb Cook
Sun May 19 Pastor Marcia *Assistant Needed
Sun May 26 Charline Thumm *Assistant Needed