Trinity Lutheran Church Minutes


Shalom Room

  1. Call to Order/Attendance

Meeting called to order at 6:06 pm. Present: Mike Herring, Terri Peck, Janel   Stephens, Laurie Brandenburg, Kristi Kruse,             Elaine Moes.  Absent:  Kendra VonMuenster

  1. Devotion and prayer – Janel

“Quote of the Day” by Frederick Buechner

  • Administration
  1. Approve Minutes

Motion to approve by Kristi K., 2nd by Janel S.  MC

  1. Treasurer’s Report – Elaine

 Motion to approve by Kristi K., 2nd by Janel S. MC

  1. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):

We will come back to these items, time permitting

  1. Annual Meeting Follow-up
  • Up to 3 Attendees for May 2024 Synod Convention needed
  • Caitlin can register attendees.
  • We will want to fill these spots in the next week.

Laurie Brandenburg will attend the Synod Convention; she will contact Caitlin and get                    registered.

  1. SAM Installation Sunday 4/14

  A cake has been ordered for fellowship.  Pastor Dan Kuckuck will preside over the   service.

  1. New Business:
  2. Worship Plan Update – Laurie Brandenburg

 The group will meet either in late April or early May to plan June – August worship schedule

  1. Grinnell Mutual Reinsurance Co — Changes to existing Policy at renewal

Terri read a list of new items that will no longer be covered or have been changed.  Mike H. will put the policy in the filing cabinet in the choir room.  The premium will increase to $14, 920, the 24-25 budget is $10,000.  The Financial committee and Visioning Committee will be advised of this increase.

  1. Committee Updates
    1. Education Kristy

The Angel Wing painting will be done sometime this summer.

Senior Sunday is May 19th, with two members graduating.  A cake will be ordered by           the education committee for fellowship, as well as gifts purchased.

VBS will be held this summer at Calvary Four Square church.  Trinity will participate.  A                 proposed “kickoff event” will be held on the last day of confirmation classes, more                 info to come.  The Education Committee will meet on April 25th.

  1. Worship & Tech Kristy
  2. Property Mike

The AC will be addressed in the Pastor’s office.  A new mailbox will be purchased and                 installed.  There is a light by the organ that is flickering, it will be repaired.  The ladies                 bathroom ceiling looks like we have a water leak.  Mike H and Mike A will inspect the                 roof over that area.  Mike H will check with Mike A to see if he wants to continue                   being the Property Chairperson.

  1. Stewardship Kendra
  2. Evangelism Kendra
  3. Human Resources Terri
  4. Hospitality Janel
  5. Finance Laurie

Laurie will look into how often the committee needs to meet and get a meeting set up      as needed.  Mike Herring would like to be part of the committee, Keith Chapman and                 Mike August will also be asked.  Another possibility is Judi Hein.

Working Groups

  1. GRACE Janel
  2. Backpack Buddies Janel
  3. Memorial Laurie
  4. Trinity’s Promise Terri
  5. Vision to Action Terri

They will be meeting with Pastor Kuckuck after worship on April 14th.

  1. Other

 The prayer list needs updated.  Terri will write up something to put in the bulletin   and newsletter about changes.

Elaine received a letter from the City regarding the need for permits, this information will be passed on to the property committee.

Terri will confirm with Aleisha to see if she is planning to do the mowing this summer.

Elaine will be gone for the first part of June.

  1. Closing Prayer

VII.  Adjournment

 Motion by Laurie B., 2nd by Terri P.; MC Meeting adjourned at 7:15pm