Trinity Lutheran Church Council Minutes

September 12, 2023
6:00 Pastor Donnita’s house

I. Call to Order/Attendance Meeting called to order at 6:04pm by Terri Peck.
Present: Laurie Brandenburg, Janel Stephens, Terri Peck, Kristy Kruse, Elaine Moes
and Pastor Donnita. Absent: Mike Herring, Kendra Von Muenster
II. Devotion Matthew 4:18-22. Discussion of what we as Council members as well as
Trinity as a whole would be willing to “give up” to be church.
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes Motion to approve: Janel, 2 nd :Terri MC
B. Treasurer’s Report
Elaine is still having issues accessing the Capital Improvement, Endowment
and Youth accounts. She will work with Jim McCullough to see how to get
accesses via the online program, as well as finding out how to become an
authorized person on the Youth Account.
Motion by Terri and 2 nd by Janel to add Elaine as an authorized signature to
the Youth Account. MC
C. Pastor’s Report
*Church Orders: Video for Back to School prayer $9.99
*Pastor’s Orders: Religion-less Christianity $9.99
Luggage/backpack tags $15.99
Word $7.00
*Andrea will return to Mayo in 4 weeks. Laurie and Pastor will make up
backpacks for the kids, there will be a special offering one Sunday for gas
*October 1 the Synod will have a Bishop’s sermon available online. We will
save this sermon for a Sunday that we don’t have a Pastor available
*Adult Sunday School dates have been changed. It will now be held Sept 17,
Oct 1 & 15 and Nov 12.
*Drew Moes, Blakely Thomas and Amelia (from the Methodist church) are
our confirmation students this year. Pastor will teach 1 week per month at
her home. Education committee is working on a schedule and teachers for
the other Wednesdays. It will begin in November.

*Kory Hein has a new hard drive for the computers that needs to be
installed. It should eliminate the buffering issues that we have.
*Denise Goetz has given notice of resignation as organist. The Worship
Committee will look into other options for the Sundays that Elaine doesn’t
*Safe Gathering Workshops are required for those teaching and helping with
Sunday School at the Methodist Church. Cost is $39. The Methodist church
has this already set up, and will receive the invoices for our member’s
training. Trinity will reimburse the Methodist Church for these charges.
D. Council Reports/Committee
1. Worship & Tech
2. Stewardship
Stewardship In a Box material has arrived. Pastor will review with Kendra.
3. Education
Kim Chapman is teaching Preschool classes. Family learning packs are being sent.
4. HR
5. Property
6. Hospitality
7. Evangelism
Still in need of some college students addresses
8. Finance
A finance committee needs to be established. It needs to meet no later than
November 15 th to prepare the 2024 budget. The budget is then presented to the
Council at the December meeting.

IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):
A. Committee Descriptions -Still to be developed and edited: Stewardship, Evangelism
and HR Committees. – Please prepare descriptions and email to council for edit
suggestions by 9/30/23
B. TLC asset sign out policy-Discussion continuation: Checkout list for Kitchen items
needed. Checkout list for tables/chairs on custodian closet.
*Terri will make a check out sheet for the kitchen to be placed on the counter by the pens.
Has the other asset policy been explained to the Parish?
C. LSI/Kelly Thomas building use agreement. Has one been received? Updates?
*BSA’s agreement has been given to Mike and Caitlyn.

D. Pumpkin Fest 10/25 6-7:30pm Courthouse Square. Charline leading- we need
volunteers to help at event. Additional updates/information?
*Charline will be asked to have a sign-up sheet available
E. Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service 6 pm (probably on November 19 th )
Update: Who is coordinating for Trinity?
Actions needed?
Susan to coordinate an ecumenical choir to sing for it?
*Pastor will check with Charline on these items
F. Call Committee updates – Any updates?
G. Synodically Training – Laurie, Charline, Deb are attending. Any updates?
*Laurie said it is very enlightening training, but will require a big commitment. About 25
people were on the ZOOM meeting. The next meeting is Sept 14 via ZOOM.
H. Jim McCollough fellowship acknowledgement update
* Jim will be recognized during the Sept 24 th worship service with cake and coffee to
I. Our Hands – God’s Work Sunday – Event Review
25 members attended. Members liked having it during the normal worship time. Possibly
do this 2X per year?
V. New Business:
A. Pastor Dan Kuckuck’s upcoming October visit.
a. What to expect We will not have a full council Agenda. Meeting will
concentrate on Pastor Kuckkuck’s message.
b. Location, date and time October 10 at 6pm in the fellowship hall.
c. Actions to complete prior to visit
i. Congregation completing and returning Vitality & Sustainability Survey.
ii. Tabulating and compiling Survey Results
iii. Recognizing trends from survey
iv. Decide on and prepare materials for meeting.
Powerpoint? Handouts? Flipchart/markers/etc.?
v. Fellowship/coffee/treats Janel and Laurie will take care of fellowship.
vi. Other?
d. Actions needed day of visit

B. Smoke Alarm replacements/additions
*There are no smoke detectors in the basement, stairway, upstairs offices, music room,
room behind the altar, Narthex or Sanctuary. Terri will work with the Tipton Fire
Department to see where new ones should be placed and how many. New detectors will
be purchased with funds from Capital Improvement.
C. Other
VI. Closing Prayer
VII. Adjournment Motion to Adjourn by Kristy, 2 nd by Janel MC Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm

Next council meeting—October 10 th 6pm – Pastor Kuckuck will be in attendance; Parish
has been invited Location: Church Fellowship Hall

Submitted by:
Laurie Brandenburg