Trinity Lutheran Church Council Minutes

July 11, 2023

6:00 Pastor Donnita’s house

I. Call to Order/Attendance – Mike, Terri, Janel, Laurie, Kristy, Kendra, Jim,
Elaine and Pastor Donnita. Meeting commenced at 6:03pm.
II. Devotion – Name something meaningful to you that you are willing to
change or let go of for God’s work in the world.
What is something that you are not willing to change or give up for new
What ministry of your congregation makes God smile.
Brainstorm 3 big audacious, out-there may be impossible ideas for your
congregation to try in the next year.
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes – Approve minutes of last meeting. Janel
motioned, Laurie seconded to approve the June 13, 2023, minutes.
Passed unanimously.
B. Treasures Report- Approve the treasurer’s report for June. Laurie
motioned Terri seconded to approve the report. Passed
• Elaine would like everyone to date the deposit slips and fill out
reimbursement forms.

C. Pastor’s Report –
Word $7
Sparkhouse samples $27.33
Backpack tags $9.99
Children’s book $9.40
Daijon book $7.99
Elysia book $6.70
Jodi and Cheyenne Byrd have joined UCC – a motion was made by mike to
remove them from our member list. Council approved the motion.
UMC to Worship with us on August 27

Backpack Blessing- tags, Kendra will provide the bubbles.
Lunch- Trinity provides meat and drinks. Janel is going to talk to
investigate options for meat. Looking into the locker doing pulled pork.
Lemonade, water and coffee. Also need table service.
Rides after July 10 -Find someone that has a service that we can hire to get
Pastor to church. Dave H and Mike are going to investigate.
Adult Sunday School- ELCA social statement on criminal justice?
Evangelism meeting
-Future outreach with UMC will be main evangelism emphasis
-contact with college students
Education meeting
-VBS details
-At Home Sunday School ideas
-Sunday School with UMC?
-2 Messy Church events
Stewardship in a box $50 by Church Anew – Council Approved
Imagine: The Movement application will be in October
Ministerial fund $1605- donation? A motion was made by mike for a
budgeted $400 donation, Terri seconded, motion passed.
July 2- planned service without Pastor Marcia $50
July 9- $200
July 16- planned Hymn sing $50
July 30- no sermon $50
$200 office work; meetings
August Update
6- Pastor Marcia
13- me
20- Pastor Marcia

27- me (Methodist church with us)
Working on September to December
Air conditioning for VBS
Since last Council meeting
Worship and sermons
Planned 2 worship services without a pastor
Education meeting
Evangelism meeting
Mike and Kay August meeting
D. Council Reports/Committee
1. Worship & Tech
2. Stewardship
3. Education – Has been meeting to talk about VBS – Possible
work with Methodist church to have Sunday School. Maybe
doing lent and advent events.
4. HR
5. Property – Old, heavy tables have been disposed of. Need
someone to turn the air on prior to VBS so that the church will
be cool enough – Kristy will help with that.
6. Hospitality
7. Evangelism – Met to talk about quarterly mailings for college
8. Finance

IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months):
A. Call committee update
B. Review officer position descriptions: President, VP, Secretary,
Treasurer, Financial Secretary
C. Begin/continue reviewing committee descriptions
D. TLC asset sign out policy-discussion continuation
E. Other

V. New Business:
A. Chamber membership and at what level – $150 level
B. Pastor D’s ride assistance – Find someone that has a service that we can
hire to get Pastor to church. Dave H and Mike are going to investigate.
C. Byrd, Jodi/Cheyanne transfer to UCC
D. LSI/Kelly Thomas/Boy Scouts building use agreement – Mike will
talk to Kelly about it.
E. Remember to keep Andrea/Brenda Montgomery in your prayers
F. Other –
VI. Closing Prayer
VII.Adjournment – Motion by Terri to adjourn the meeting; second made by
Kristy. Motion passed. 8:15pm

Next council meeting—August 8, 2023