Trinity Lutheran Church Council Agenda

December 13, 2022
6:00 Pastor Donnita’s house

I. Call to Order/Attendance – Those in attendance: Mike, Elaine, Janel,
Kendra, Kristy, Jim and Pastor Donnita. Meeting commenced at 6:20 PM.
II. Devotion – John 1:14a “The Word became Flesh and lived among us.”
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes – Approve minutes of last meeting. Janel
motioned Kristy seconded to approve the November 8, 2022,
minutes. Passed unanimously.
B. Treasures Report – Approve the treasurer’s report for November.
Mike motioned Janel seconded to approve the report. Passed
C. Pastor’s Report –
Paint canvases- Education 3 pkg/ 12 canvases 22.99 x 3= 68.97
New Year party hats $13.90
Word $10
Advent Session $25
Printer ink and paper
Light switch in ceiling fan
Rides/ snow/ door ramp – sign up sheet in back of church
Caitlin’s job description and hours
Lent- I’ll do Ash Wednesday
Good Friday service instead of Maundy Thursday Service
Midweek – “They were There” dialogues $37.25
Virtual only? Or lay led using dialogue as sermon?
Sunday schedule
January 15, 29
February 12, 26

March 12, 26
April 9 Easter, 23

Since last Council meeting
Bulletin and slide info each week
Sermon and worship Nov 27, December 11
Communication with Mike, organists, education committee
Newsletter information
2 Early Communion classes- Maverick Hein, Blakely Thomas, (Emma
& Jaime Waddel, Daijon & Alysia Williams)
Planned Thanksgiving, Advent & Christmas
Wrote Thank You Notes to God, If You Tell Mary
2 Education committee meetings
Facebook posts
Ministerial Lunch will meet at my house December 15th
D. Council Reports/Committee
1. Worship & Tech – The Worship/Tech committee has not
met. Pastor Donnita has created a structure for Advent
services with modifications when she is not attending. She has
shared a written plan for Christmas Eve, with hymns. There
will be no service Christmas Day, January 1st is in the
processing stage along with January 8th. Denise and I are
picking hymns from Sundays and Seasons with Pastor Donnita
making changes. After January 8th Pastor Donnita has
promised to stay with her Sundays….until Lent. (She has the
Lenten theme already!)
2. Stewardship – Lynn will have a meeting in January.
3. Education – Have Bibles been given out since Covid?
4. HR – Custodian Alicia Gritton started working with Les last
week to transition duties
5. Property – 1) Lynch Plumbing, West Branch, was in the church
within the last several weeks, to replace the value on one of
the toilets in the women’s restroom. While on site, they were
asked to replace both faucet handles in the women’s restroom
with disability approved ‘blade’ handles. Mike followed up
with Lynch, today, December 6 th . They will be encouraged to
complete the job as quickly as possible.

2) Les is continuing to secure a second bid for replacement of
the 1998 A/C outside compressor units.
3) A “See Something, Say Something” notice post has been
hung on one of the bulletin boards located in the hallway
outside the double Narthex doors. The purpose of the post is
to have congregation members jot down notes regarding items
that require attention. The Property Committee will coordinate
with Alicia to ensure these tasks get completed. Church
members will be requested to chip in. Property committee will
be meeting on a quarterly basis, or when urgent notices are
6. Hospitality – Served one funeral in November for Delores
Werling. Fellowship after church every Sunday. If you would
like to volunteer to bring cookies and join us it would be
Farewell for Les on January 15th

. – Mike is going to contact to

verify the date.
7. Evangelism
8. Finance
Work Groups
1. Capital Improvement
2. Memorial
3. Backpack Buddies
4. GRACE – Grace committee continues to reach out to people
needing help with their meal preparation. If you would like to
volunteer to help out call Denise 563-357-3441 or Kathy
Daedlow 563-357-4450. We are also asking for donations for
gift cards for meals.
Eden’s both had heart surgery last 6 months.

IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months)
A. Signage update (discussion item) – On hold until after Holidays.
B. Develop visit teams (Discussion item). Rather than continue to harp
on congregation members to volunteer to scoop snow and shovel

sidewalks, maybe we should concentrate on the visit team project.
We have a good start with volunteer’s, let keep the momentum
going. Deb Cook is coordinating and Laurie is going to help. Looking
for more members to join.
C. New air conditioner (discussion item) Les getting 2 bids
D. New faucets with accessible lever handles will be
purchased/installed in women’s bathroom (discussion item)
E. Snow removal sign up (discussion item)
F. Post property committee “see something, say something” theme
and budget impact (discussion item) – posted on the back bulletin
G. AED-Scheduled for January 4, 2023 6:00 to 7:00 PM (discussion
item) – Will be hanging to the left of the narthex doors once training
is complete.
H. Going away celebration for Les (discussion item)
I. Laurie Brandenburg and Deb Cook will be in communication with
Pastor Donnita regarding lay person communion distribution
(discussion item)
J. Pastor Donnita contract-Completed (discussion item) – Mike has a
copy of it.
K. Other
V. New Business
A. HR-Terri update on custodian position being filled. May need to hire
< 2” snow shovelers
B. 2023 budget discussion, including part time status of a new pastor,
duties to be performed given limited hours, etc. – Mike will get
numbers to Jim to plug into his spreadsheet.
C. MSP discussion, i.e., Summary Description, mandatory SEIS pod casts
D. Pastor Marcia – will work with us one Sunday a month.
E. Other – Annual Meeting February 26th, 2023. Be looking into the future
for new council members and synod assembly participant.
VI. Closing Prayer

VII. Adjournment – Motion by Kristy to adjourn the meeting; second made by
Mike. Motion passed. 8:33pm.

Next council meeting—January 10, 2023 (Note: Mike will be gone for both the
January and February monthly council meetings)