Trinity Lutheran Church Council Minutes

October 11, 2022
6:00 Shalom Room

I. Call to Order/Attendance – Those in attendance: Mike, Elaine, Janel, Terri,
Kendra, Maggie, and Kristy. Meeting commenced at 6:00 PM.
II. Devotion – Mike led us in prayer.
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes from September – Approve minutes of last
meeting. Terri motioned Janel seconded to approve the September
6, 2022, minutes. Passed unanimously.
B. Treasures Report – Approve the treasurer’s report for September.
Mike motioned Kendra seconded to approve the report. Passed
C. Pastor’s Report –
D. Council Reports/Committee
1. Worship & Tech –
2. Stewardship – Pledge card, Mike and Brenda worked on
3. Education – Melissa, Kristy, Beth, Sally met to discuss current
Education Committee activities. Andrea Williams has been
helping teach Sunday school and is interested in joining the
Education Committee. A signup sheet has been set out for
volunteer Sunday School teacher sign up. Melissa is continuing
the Holy Moly series and she will make packets for each
Sunday so that preparation is already done.
The Methodist church is still interested in doing some Sunday
School events together, but they have asked to wait for the
time being. Melissa’s idea is to combine once per month
Melissa has volunteered to teach confirmation classes. She
sought advice from the committee on curriculum. She found a
book teaching the catechism she can use. Sally found some
materials she might use including books on the catechism. Her

other ideas for confirmation class include doing community
service projects. One idea for next month is to collect groceries
for a Thanksgiving dinner and then have the students make a
pie or other dessert to go with it. Other ideas were discussed
such as personalized tie blankets for our homebound
Trunk or Treat: most people will be out of town or working
during this. Sally might do it if she can find a partner.
4. HR – Getting together ads for Janitor position. Updating Job
description. If there is a substitute for custodial, they need to
fill out an expenditure request.
5. Property – Final coat of paint went on the shed. Door frames
will be done later. Michael Thomas put in bids for A/C –
$8,700. Mike is going to talk to Michael Thomas about the
furnace issue. Mike is also working on the women’s bathroom.
Motion lights to be installed in the bathroom.
6. Hospitality – November 5th is Delores Werling’s celebration of
life. It will be held here at Trinity. Janel will put something
together for the Robby Saylor Memorial.
7. Evangelism
8. Finance
Work Groups
1. Capital Improvement
2. Memorial
3. Backpack Buddies
4. GRACE – Meals are being delivered.

IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months)
A. Signage update – Looked at designs that Tina Keil had done for the
doors and the windows on the front of the church. Memorial fund is
going to pay for them. Kristy motioned Maggie seconded to go
forward with the purchase of the designs. Passed unanimously.
B. Develop visit teams

C. AED device – Mike is going to talk to Laurie Brandenburg for an
D. Worship and Technology – Went over the continuing resolution 1
R1.01.a. Elaine Moes and Korry Hein are requesting the amendment.
Mike will get with Caitlin about emailing and mailing the
E. New air conditioner –
F. New faucets with accessible lever handles will be
purchased/installed in women’s bathroom. – Ray’s Plumbing and
Heating is going to work on it.
G. Other – Annual Meeting will be February 26th

V. New Business
A. Interim pastor worksheet – Went over the worksheet as a group and
compiled the answers. Attached below.
B. Based on the compilation worksheet, what direction do we head
C. Ascension-Marion. The congregation has been without a pastor for
three years. I will be asking Pastor Dan if they have been repeatedly
rejected, on both the part of the congregation and pastor prospectives,
if so, why. If not, why have they been unsuccessful. They have had a
couple votes whether to close their door, with closure having been
turndown. What are their finances, can they afford a 50% defined
compensation benefit package. Bottom line do they have alligators.
Eventually, do we have a sharing choice, or will synod make that
choice for us. – Our second preference.
D. Update on a pastor sharing agreement with Tipton’s UMC. What does
that look like? What do their finances look like. (Note: What was your
take on the email Pastor Dan sent where he asked me to slow down
the process of pursuing both Pastor Michelle and a Tipton UMC
arrangement – Mike is going to email Pastor Dan about what our
thoughts are. This would be our first preference.
E. Brenda is hoping Trinity can raise $75.00 from the narthex basket for
this month’s Tipton Ministerial Association event. If she doesn’t collect
that amount, can Trinity’s budget cover the rest. Should be covered.
F. Should Trinity ask the Tipton Ministerial Association if one of our
congregation members can temporarily be assigned to the group?

Secondly, “if” Trinity was scheduled to be the “up next” congregation
to host the ecumenical church service, should we continue to host, or
ask for a year’s reprieve – Charlene wants to represent us at the
meetings. We think we should be switching the services.
G. Proposed amendment changing the name of the Worship and
Technology committee
H. Laurie Brandenburg is in communication with Pastor Kuckuck
regarding lay person communion distribution – this is in process.
I. Recharter for Boy Scouts of America – Mike is going to become the
executive officer for the Boy Scouts.
J. Other – Grasshopper snow removal $50 min trip charge. $85 parking
area and sidewalk. Need to make sure they are including the area
between the building and parking bumpers.
K. Only need to retain envelopes for cash when doing offering.
L. Brenda Herring has requested that we add two males that would be
interested in serving on call committee. Will have Caitlin put something
out in email.
VI. Closing Prayer – Led by Kristy
VII. Adjournment – Motion by Janel to leave the meeting open; second made
by Maggie. Motion passed. 8:29pm.

Next council meeting—November 8, 2022