Minutes from:

Trinity Lutheran Church Council Meeting

June 14, 2022
6:00 Shalom Room

I. Call to Order/Attendance:
Attending: Mike, Terri, Janel, Pastor, Elaine, Jim M
Unable to attend: Kendra, Maggie, Kristy
II. Devotion – Pastor Jamie. Psalm 86
III. Administration
A. Approve Minutes from May
Motion to approve: Janel 2

nd: Mike Motion Passes

B. Treasurer’s Report
*Color copy expenses are up considerably. Discussion that much is
from printing newsletter in color, which we do not want to change
*Running approximately $2000 deficit per month
Motion to approve: Janel 2

nd: Terri Motion Passes

C. Pastor’s Report
*Theology on tap- big turnout. Next event 7/9. Meets once a month
*Ecumenical Women’s Retreat went well. The event was focused
around women in the bible. Approximately 41 attendees.
D. Council Reports/Committee
1. Worship & Tech
Elaine – Worship planned through 7/3
2. Stewardship No report
3. Education No report
4. HR No report
5. Property
Mike – Cleaned gutters, shed is now painted
Outstanding items: Women’s Restroom motion lights, left sink

6. Hospitality
Janel – All is good. Summer sign up for fellowship treats/coffee
is up
7. Evangelism No report
8. Finance No report
Work Groups
1. Capital Improvement No report
2. Memorial No Report
3. Backpack Buddies No report
4. GRACE No report

IV. Previous Business (compilation of issues from the past six months)
A. Signage update (discussion item),
Kendra, do you know anything about the T-Shirt/graphic artist shop
in Clarence?
*Jab Ink will not be able to do our signage.
*Verified after meeting- Kendra did not have a contact in Clarence.
*Terri will reach out to Tina Kiel with The Bean Bag to see if she is
able to do the work (wall signage, door signage, etc.)

B. Discuss and assign committee liaison representatives (discussion-
see III. Administration D. and Work Groups)—Evangelism and

*Janel to be Council Liaison for Evangelism Committee
*Janel to ask Lynn Rechterman to lead Evangelism Committee
*Mike to be Council Liaison for Finance Committee.
*Mike looking for committee chair/members.

C. Security cameras (discussion/action item)
*Council previously approved up to $450 for security cameras and
associated equipment and cords. Mike advised cost has risen to
$525. Will be funded through Memorial fund.
D. Mission Investment account (discussion item)
*Mike clarified that the Mission Investment account is an ELCA fund
vs a fund through a bank/etc.
E. Custodial Job Description (discussion/action item)
*Change from last month. Mike Pastor J recommend we remove the
requirement to be a Christian from job description.
Motion to accept change: Terri 2nd: Elaine; Motion approved
F. Develop visit teams??? (Discussion item)
*Moving to July agenda to discuss
G. AED device (discussion item)
*Moved to July agenda to discuss
H. Update Constitution, By-Laws and Continuing Resolution Revision
date (action item)
*Mike advised ok to change revision date on current printed
constitution to Revised 1/2022 per Dan K.
I. Other
*Discussion on Stewardship committee
-Not currently an active committee. This is an issue.
-Perhaps a Time & Talent survey would be a good way to branch
into stewardship.
-Why are our inactive members inactive? Have open conversations
and be open to listen to their why. Are they being fed? Are we feeling
the Gospel in how we share and listen?

*Fidelity- Signature cards need signed by Sara Martin, David Hein and Jim
McCullough for Trinity’s Promise, and by Jim McCullough (Treasurer) and
Mike Herring (Council President) for the church’s checking account. May
need to provide meeting notes showing who is authorized to sign on
accounts to Fidelity
V. New Business
A. Worship and Technology-The technology part of the committee chair
person (discussion item).
*Worship Committee will remain and continue to be led by Elaine Moes.
*Technology will split off into a workgroup, led by Korry Hein. Because
the Constitution, Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions (CBCR) specifically
identifies Technology to be an active committee, we will have to
amend the CBCR, in order to convert Technology into a working group.
B. Finance committee chairperson (discussion item)
*As mentioned earlier, Mike Herring will lead, Mike seeking Committee
C. Evangelism Committee chairperson (discussion item)
*Janel will be council liaison
*Janel will ask Lynn Rechterman to chair
D. Canva information (discussion item)
Mike shared Caitlyn was able to get the $190 Canva graphic design
program to be free for us since we are a non-profit. Way to go Caitlyn!
E. Discuss budget. We have a giving problem, not a spending issue.
*Average budget deficit of $3,500/month this year. At this rate, we will
end the year with a reducing the checking account balance by
approximately $42,000 shortage of giving to cover the budget, leaving
the balance at just over $20,000, or an approximate six month surplus.
*Utilize Finance Committee to work on issue and do budget prep for

F. Other
*Pastor Jamie- we need to look at the big picture and what makes sense
for Trinity to continue to be viable. … is it becoming a shared ministry
with other congregations in the area? Sharing a pastor with another
congregation? A part time pastor? What are our opportunities?
Embracing young families in the area, welcoming kids, what things does
Trinity need to embrace. What things need to be fed to the community?
Look at why people do church? What keeps them active? What pushes
them away? Food for thought…
*Look at the ELCA Growing Younger curriculum available from Synod.
Janel shared what they learned at Synod Assembly about the program.
Would be great for the evangelism committee
*Think on what can we be doing that people will want to come and see?
Diner Church, women’s retreat, evangelism committee
*How to bring young families to us that are moving to Tipton
– Loneliness of being new, not knowing people. How do we become
the church that cares about the people and our community?
*Elaine- please double check when counting on where loose cash goes,
to put in the proper categories.
*Use proper endorsement on back of checks, and correct deposit slips.
Memorial fund, and backpack buddies have their own deposit slips.
VI. Closing Prayer
VII. Adjournment
Next council meeting—July 12, 2022