Annual Meeting Minutes

February 26, 2023


  1. The meeting was called to order by Council President Mike Herring at 10:39 am; there were 33 Trinity church members in attendance
  2. A motion was made to accept the annual meeting agenda as presented by Kristy Kruse and seconded by Deb Cook. Motion carried unanimously
  3. Opening comments and a prayer were given by Pastor Donnita Moeller
  4. The Annual Meeting Minutes from 2022 were not included in the 2023 packet. President Herring announced they were in the 3-ring binder on the table in the narthex and he could get them and read them out loud but attendees denied this offer and affirmed they were comfortable approving them. A motion to approve the 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes was made by Charline Thumm, seconded by Beth Ahrens and the vote was passed unanimously
  5. Committee reports were included in the packet and one question was asked by Mike Pelzer. He asked if the working groups needed to give written reports to church council throughout the year and for the annual meeting, especially if they hadn’t met during the year. Mike Herring answered such reports were welcome from active groups but no reports or meetings were necessary if the committee was inactive; especially the Capital Improvement Group since council had not designated any major projects to that committee recently. A motion was made by Mike Pelzer to accept the reports, seconded by Terry Hein and all voted yes to accept them. Pastor Donnita was thanked for writing the Pastor’s report and for attending/hosting council meetings and for her overall guidance the past several months when Trinity was without a pastor.
    1. Church Council
    2. Statistics
    3. Pastor’s Report
    4. Nominating Committee
    5. Education Committee
    6. Property Committee
    7. Stewardship
    8. Trinity’s Promise Mission Endowment Fund
    9. Worship and Tech
    10. HR
    11. Hospitality
    12. Evangelism
    13. Finance


Working groups

  1. GRACE (Giving Respite and Care to Everyone)
  2. Capital Improvement
  3. Backpack Buddy
  4. Memorial
  5. WELCA
  6. Hospitality


  1. Financial Reports included in the 2023 Annual Meeting packet included: Trinity’s Promise Mission Endowment Fund, Financial Review Committee Report, December Treasurer’s Report and the Yearly Budget Comparison. Mike August presented a verbal report that all of the above accounts plus all financial accounts that Trinity Lutheran Church has were in order and balanced. He stated he and Laurie Brandenburg were the members of the 2023 Financial Review Committee in mid-February, He reported they had reviewed all the 2022 financial accounts, the information was clear and they had no questions during the process. He thanked Treasurer Jim McCollough and the church leaders for having a clear financial process in place to make the review go smoothly. Korry Hein motioned and Susan Calloway seconded to accept the reports and all members voted yes to accept it
  2. The proposed 2023 budget was reviewed. Discussion included Mike Herring pointing out that benevolence was cut in half since we will be hiring a part time pastor at Trinity. He states council may pay more of this towards the end of 2023 if funds have accumulated because we’ve been without a pastor. He also pointed out not to expect a half time pastor since a very experienced pastor would receive a high benefit package and we have limited funds. Jim McCollough pointed out the Pastor salary and benefits data on the budget is a ‘good’ guess since it will depend on the pastor’s experience, family size for health care benefits etc. Janel Stevens motioned and Melissa Waddell seconded the motion to accept the budget and it passed unanimously

VIII.    Synod Assembly will be a virtual meeting on May 15th-16th. Two church members should

attend but there were no volunteers today. Council will pursue finding 2023 attendees

  1. “TRINITY’S PROMISE” Mission Endowment Fund Committee members have a three-year term. The two nominees, Bev Tripp and Sarah Subbert were voted on as new members after Denise Goetz motioned and Sally Kruse seconded the motion to accept them and all members voted in favor. It was pointed out Sarah Subbert is transferring her church membership to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tipton this spring
  2. 2023 Council Member(s) also hold a three-year term. It was recommended that Laurie Brandenburg be the new council member and Janel Stevens and Terri Peck be voted in for a second term. Elaine Moes motioned to accept the nominees, Terry Hein seconded it; the congregation all voted in favor of the motion
  3. Deb Cook and Mike Pelzer volunteered to be on the Nominating Committee for 2024

with council member Kendra Von Muenster. A motion was made by Susan Calloway and seconded by Brenda Emick-Herring to accept the committee and the congregation voted unanimously to approve the motion

  • It was recommended that Laurie Brandenburg and Judi Hein serve as the Financial Inspection Committee for the 2024 annual meeting financial record report. Brenda Emick-Herring asked if Laurie should serve, since she is now on Church Council. Mike Herring stated council would check the constitution. Mike August motioned and Dave Hein seconded that the recommendation be accepted subject to Laurie being allowed to serve on both committees and if not, Council would find a replacement church member to serve in the role. The congregation all voted yes and passed the motion
  • Mike Herring thanked the congregation for their willingness to volunteer in so many

ways at Trinity. A closing prayer was Given by Pastor Moeller and the meeting adjourned at 11:17 am with Terry Hein motioning and Beth Ahrens seconding to do so. All voted in favor of adjournment.


Please note, there was not a Church Council quorum present, so a council meeting could not be held to nominate church council offiers and committee representatives for the upcoming year. President Herring will put this on the March 14th Council Meeting Agenda so such business can be conducted.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Susan Calloway and Brenda Emick-Herring